3 Common Questions on Outsourcing Blog Content Writing Services for eCommerce Stores

April 24, 2023

Are you struggling with the demand of creating engaging content for your store’s blog?

Maybe you’ve heard of the wonders of outsourcing blog content from writing services and are trying to decide whether or not it’s a good solution for your business.

If that’s the case, then we’ve got you covered.

Here we will:

  • Answer three of the most common questions on outsourcing blog writing services
  • Help you decide whether or not outsourcing blog writing services is perfect for you
  • Recommend a blog writing service agency perfect for eCommerce stores

Ready to learn? Let’s begin.

1: What Are the Benefits of Outsourcing Blog Content Writing Services?

hand pointing at a globe

Outsourcing blog content writing services can provide several benefits to eCommerce businesses such as:

Access to Specialized Skills and Expertise

Writing agencies hire professional writers who are experts in various niches and industries.

By outsourcing your blog content to these professionals, you can expect the following benefits:

  • Consistent blog content for your website
  • Improved search engine ranking
  • Increased credibility and authority
  • Greater sales and revenue

These writers live, eat, and breathe content every day, making them true masters when it comes to writing compelling blogs for eCommerce stores.

The agencies also invest in training for their writers to ensure they stay up-to-date with the latest trends and techniques in content creation.

Here’s how they train top-tier writers:

  • Regular online training: Writing agencies offer regular online training to their writers through one-on-one sessions, videos, and forums. This training helps them improve their skills and learn the latest trends and best practices in the industry.
  • Feedback and coaching: Writers get regular feedback from editors and content coaches to help them improve their writing skills.
    For example, content coaches at CopySmiths walk new writers through their articles and help them with grammar, sentence construction, adding links, etc.

What sets writing agencies’ training apart from others is the level of expertise and resources available to them.

Since writing agencies have access to a vast network of experts in different fields, they are able to offer specialized training to their writers.

By outsourcing your content writing needs to such agencies, you can leverage their skills and expertise to produce high-quality content that will help drive traffic to your website and help increase your sales.

It Is a Cost-Effective Alternative to In-House Hiring

Outsourcing is a cost-effective way to cater to your blog content writing needs.

Through outsourcing, you are able to work with a wide range of talents, without the extra expenses that come with hiring and managing an in-house team of writers (and we all know how expensive in-house writers can be).

In the following table we compare costs between outsourcing and hiring in-house writers to help you see the difference, according to a report by the Bureau of Labor Statistics:

CostsOutsourcingIn-House Writers
Labor$25.70 per hour$69,510 per year
SME (30 500-word articles)$12,600$82,526
LE (250 500-word articles)$203,700$323,305

From the table above, we can clearly see that outsourcing writers is a more cost-effective option.

Here’s what different businesses stand to gain:

  • SMEs can potentially save up to $69,926
  • Large enterprises can save up to $119,605

To put it briefly, outsourcing is a great option for businesses looking to save on costs without sacrificing quality.

It Makes Upscaling or Downscaling Easy

Here’s something we can both agree on: the demand for blog content is always fluctuating.

There are peak seasons and low seasons.

It’s common to find businesses relying solely on in-house writers overburdening their staff during peak seasons or spending excessively on salaries during low seasons.

Why? Because hiring and firing in-house writers frequently is expensive.

However, by partnering with a writing agency, you can easily scale your content production up or down without worrying about the expenses of hiring, training, or firing employees.

In fact, adjusting your outsourcing arrangement with your content provider is as simple as making a phone call, sending a text, or writing an email.

The flexibility to adjust your content needs according to your business requirements makes outsourcing the better option.

You Get Time to Focus On Your Business

Outsourcing your writing needs to a writing service gives you the much-needed time to focus on running your business.

Blogging can be a time-consuming process.

A standard 1400-word blog would take an experienced writer about four hours to write.

Given the demanding nature of this task, it’s unrealistic to expect your marketing team to produce high-quality content every day while also fulfilling other marketing obligations.

Any attempt to do so might cause a significant drain on their time and energy.

And although hiring a dedicated team of in-house writers may seem like a logical solution, it may not be the best option after all if you really do the math.

Here’s why:

  • In-house writers require a significant investment in time and resources to find and manage.
  • They may have a limited skill set, leading to longer project completion times.
  • The recruitment and onboarding process for an in-house writer can be lengthy.

On the other hand, outsourcing your writing needs to a reputable agency saves you time and money by providing instant access to a diverse pool of talented writers with the expertise to complete projects quickly.

Remember, running an eCommerce store comes with endless demands. You need all the time you can get to run your store successfully.

By outsourcing your blog content needs, you can concentrate on the core aspects of your business while ensuring that your content needs are also attended to.

2: How Can I Ensure the Quality of Outsourced Blog Content?

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Although working with writing services gives you access to professional writers, it’s still important to ensure that the outsourced content meets the standards of your business.

Here are two ways to help ensure you always get top-quality blog content:

Create a Detailed Article Brief for the Writers

Providing writers with a detailed brief will make it easier for them to understand your brand, target audience, and the purpose of the content.

The brief should include information such as:

  • Topics you want covered: List the subjects you want the article to address. This will help writers know specific areas to focus on.
    For example, for an article about “Healthy Eating,” you might specify that you want information about healthy breakfast meals, nutritious lunch options, healthy supper ideas, and snack options.
  • Overall tone to be used: The article’s tone can greatly affect how readers perceive the writer’s intention. It makes the difference between capturing the reader’s attention and leaving them disengaged.
    Therefore, it’s important to guide your writers on the tone you’d want them to use throughout the article.
    Use adjectives to help you communicate the desired tone, such as conversational, authoritative, friendly, or humorous.
  • Style and font to be used: Aesthetics matter as much as quality writing. Guide writers on font choice, color scheme, and formatting to ensure their articles will match the style of your website or brand.
    You can also provide specific guidelines for headings, subheadings, and bullet points to ensure they are consistent with other blogs on your website.
  • Length of the article: Specifying the number of words or pages can help the writer understand the level of detail and depth required.
    This makes it easier for them to create comprehensive yet concise content that meets your needs without exceeding your budget (especially if you are paying per word).
  • Keywords to be included: Do your keyword research and list keywords you want to be included in the article. Doing so will ensure writers craft content that aligns with your SEO goals and drives traffic to your website.

Think of an article brief as a “compass” that guides the writers. With it, they can easily create content that aligns with your brand’s voice, mission, and goals.

Use Online Tools and Platforms That Can Help With Quality Assurance

You don’t have to be a pro editor or possess a keen eye for detail to check the quality of your outsourced blog content. There are several online tools and platforms that can help you do this.

Examples of such tools and platforms include:

  • Grammarly: Checks for punctuation, grammar, and spelling errors
  • Hemingway app: Grades the readability of your content
  • Copyscape: Scans for plagiarized content in your article

With these tools, you can easily spot low-quality content, make necessary changes, and elevate all your articles to top-tier status.

3: How Can I Find the Right Provider for Outsourcing Blog Content Writing Services?

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The right service provider for your eCommerce store is the one that can deliver high-quality blog content that aligns with your brand goals, values, and budget.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you find the right writing service for your eCommerce store:

  1. Ask for referrals: If you know other eCommerce owners with experience working with content writing service providers, ask them to point you towards good writing agencies. This can help you save a lot of time and resources.
  2. Make a public announcement: If you didn’t get referrals, post all over your social media accounts announcing that you are looking for writing agencies. Make your post detailed, so applicants know exactly what you are looking for.
  3. Conduct a background search on applicants: Try to learn more about those who apply. Look for expertise, years in business, reviews and testimonials. Filter out those that don’t meet your criteria.
  4. Ask for samples: From the remaining applicants, ask for a few samples of their work. This way, you’ll better understand their writing style and quality.
  5. Ask for their pricing policies: From those you liked, ask for their rates to ensure they are within your budget.
  6. Host a meeting: Finally, conduct interviews with those that made it to the last step. An interview will help you better understand their communication style, work process, and how they can help you achieve your content goals.

Let Us Write for You

It’s no secret that producing high-quality blog content is crucial for driving traffic to your website and increasing sales.

If you are looking for a writing service that’s specifically tailored towards serving eCommerce stores, we invite you to try our team at CopySmiths.

At CopySmiths, we deeply understand the importance of quality blog content for eCommerce businesses. Our team of 50+ writers all specialize in crafting high-quality content that’s sure to meet your unique business needs.

Don’t just take our word for it – see what our clients have to say:

testimonial from a satisfied customer

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your content marketing goals.

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Katrina McKinnon


I'm Katrina McKinnon, founder of CopySmiths and Small Revolution. In my 20 years of experience, I have helped online businesses create high-performing content specifically on an eCommerce store's blog. Find me on LinkedIn and Twitter.