What’s With All The Ruckus With SEO Articles? — A Guide For Business Owners

November 15, 2021

You may have heard in passing how SEO-optimized articles have helped grow businesses. And it’s true—the trend of search marketing organically reaching your audience is getting more potent than ever.

Well, how so? For one, SEO continues to drive 1,000% more traffic compared to social media.

Intuitively, wouldn’t your business sitting at the first page of consumer search queries be the ultimate goal?

Organically, nothing but well-written and optimized articles help you gain leverage on that front.

If you want your article on the first page, you’ll need to know SEO to stay ahead of the curve.

If you’re looking to scale your business in the digital space, look no further. Let’s voyage through the vast waters and explore the importance of optimized articles for your content strategy.

What is SEO and How Does It Work?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) refers to the continuous process of acquiring more valuable traffic to your site through organic search results. This can be done in several ways (that we’ll get to in a moment).

The better your SEO strategy, the higher the likelihood that your business will appear at the top results in Google search pages in the form of an article or landing page.

A good SEO friendly website or article will allow more customers to discover you with the right keyword choice. This can happen even if they haven’t heard of your brand before.

How it works: Google and other search engines have a crawler that goes out and gathers information about all the content they can find on the Internet.

These pieces of scannable content get indexed in a large database. The search engine takes that index and runs it through an algorithm that matches the data with your query.

Run through this quick video to see how it all works.

The SEO Trifecta

Search engine optimization isn’t just about inserting keywords in an article and hoping for search engines like Google to catch it.

It further branches down to three main categories:

  • On-page SEO (the one you’re likely most familiar with, which includes SEO Writing)
  • Off-page SEO (gaining a vote of confidence through White Hat backlink outreach)
  • Technical SEO (like a fast site experience with adherence to Core Web Vitals)

All these types work in conjunction with one another to help elevate your site’s reach to the right audience. See the infographic below for a breakdown:

For off-page, activities including link building, outreaching for guest posts, increasing backlinks, and influencer marketing increase the trustworthiness and SEO of your site.

On the technical side, ensuring your pages are free from crawl errors, optimizing user-site experience, and fixing internal and external links, among other things, constitute this branch.

For SEO content, there’s a heavy reliance on practices that fall under the category of on-page SEO. This includes important activities such as image optimization, headline and headers, title tags, structured data, a meta description, and the relevance of the content.

What Is the Difference Between SEO and Content Marketing?

Hubspot reports that 60% of marketers say that content inbound leads generate the highest source of these. Needless to say, both content and SEO intersect to ensure that what’s written reaches and resonates with the audience.

An SEO-optimized article merges two intersecting branches of marketing: search engine optimization and content.

Content marketing refers to the creation and distribution of pieces of information that can educate and entertain a prospect anywhere along their buying journey. This comes in the form of blogs, videos, infographics, and pictures.

Both these marketing concepts are vital when it comes to creating SEO-written works. If your sites aren’t well-optimized, you won’t get anyone discovering you.

If your content is thin or fails to resonate with consumers, you won’t get to convert your impressions into sales.

How Can High-Quality SEO Content Help My Business?

Great question! There are three ways a well-optimized SEO blog post can help your business grow.

It’s Page 1 or Bust

The elusive first-place ranking in high-volume keywords is a cutthroat arena. If you’re not on the first pages for a high-volume keyword, you may as well consider your article invisible.

High domain rating websites with potentially thousands of pages linking back to it further crest the page snugly into place.

But you don’t always have to be number one. You can be positioned at four, five, or six and still gain clicks. Then, if your content is particularly good, conversions too can fall in your lap.

How? Take a look at the picture below for a true-to-life example.

traffic share

Source: postimg.cc

For the keyword “SEO articles”, the first result takes a share of 38% of the traffic. Considering it’s the first result, most people naturally click it and deem it trustworthy.

But notice how that page doesn’t monopolize the entirety of the first page clicks. Position 3 up to 7 get very reasonable amounts of traffic.

Even Position 9 still gets some clicks. It only starts trailing off to <1% once you reach the second page of search engines (not in the screenshot, but take my word for it).

What does this all mean? Positioning yourself high in Google SERPs through proper SEO writing practices will help you reach your audience more organically. But, to reiterate from previous points, this can only be attained through proper optimization practices. Especially if other marketers or businesses have their eyes honed on the same keyword or clusters as well.

Granted, ranking for a keyword will entail a comprehensive and proper research action plan.

But with many services around like CopySmiths ready to do the grunt work for you from end-to-end, you’re free to outsource this quality work and focus on other pressing parts of your business instead.

It Disrupts the User’s Buying Cycle

Marketers know the importance of the buyer decision process, from how the problem is discovered to the final purchasing decision.

Well-optimized, quality content can affect the “Information Search” stage of the buyer’s decision process. During that phase, a customer Google searches for a relevant article that provides them the knowledge to help them come up with a purchasing decision.

How does SEO content affect this? A well-written, optimized article achieves two things. One, it gets into the consumer’s line of sight due to ranking high in Google search pages. Two, a relevant and EAT-abiding article (which is also an SEO rank determinant) can hook the user in should it meet their intent.

If you manage to meet the audience’s needs, whether through your lovely product or otherwise, you can be well on your way to achieving your business goals. And this brings us to our final point.

Search Engines Exist Forever

Google isn’t going anywhere, at least for now.

That’s one of the major appeals of content marketing. If you keep your information evergreen and optimized, you can build upon it and reap the results for months and years to come.

However, there are some minor drawbacks to this. You shouldn’t and can’t always expect your site to rank instantly. It takes time to achieve your expected results in Google. But it’s happened before for search-topping sites, and it can absolutely happen again.

The more time, budget, and effort you put into your site’s optimization, the greater your business’s outlook will be.

And yes. It all starts with a well-written, optimized article.

Top-Notch Content In Bulk At an Affordable Price

Monique Welsh

If you need an article written about your eCommerce business or web page, we at CopySmiths can do the work for you.

Our goal is to help business owners like you gain competitive advantages in your industry by providing high-quality article writing services with utmost professionalism and friendliness.

All of our writers have been fully trained with an in-house copywriting course before delivering client work.

From keyword research, writing, quality control, visuals, to publishing, we’ve done it time and time again for many satisfied customers. We’d love to help you scale too.

Get in touch with us through our contact form today.

Katrina McKinnon


I'm Katrina McKinnon, founder of CopySmiths and Small Revolution. In my 20 years of experience, I have helped online businesses create high-performing content specifically on an eCommerce store's blog. Find me on LinkedIn and Twitter.