4 Simple Steps to Promote New Blog Content Successfully

April 4, 2022

Are you struggling with content marketing for your new blog? You’re not alone.

Many people struggle with blog content promotion, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be successful.

Promoting your new blog content ensures your hard work pays off. The top three reasons that make it necessary to promote blog content are:

  • To get more traffic to your blog
  • To build relationships with other bloggers and influencers
  • To increase the chances of your content being shared

If you own an eCommerce store, the above reasons are even more important as promoting your blog content will help you reach many people and make more money.

The critical question remains, which simple steps can you take to promote your new blog content successfully?

1: Ensure You’re a Reliable and Exceptional Information Source

Over 4.4 million new blog posts are published every day. That’s a lot of content for people to sift through and is an indication of the high competition in the blogging industry. 

However, not all these pieces of content are reliable because some fail to meet searcher’s intent or help people solve their problems. Meeting search intent is key to becoming a reliable and exceptional source of information.

There are four types of search intent:

  • Informational: The searcher is looking for information on a certain topic. Typically, the search query starts with “what is” or “how to”. For example, “How do I successfully promote new blog content?”
  • Transactional: The searcher wants to buy something or take some kind of action. The searchers use words like “buy,” “discount,” or “order.” For example, “Best customized inflatable tunnels on discount.”
  • Navigational: The searcher wants to go to a specific website. They have a brand name in mind and use navigational intent keywords to find the site. For example, “Twitter login.”
  • Commercial: The searcher is looking for information about a product or service before making a purchase. They use words like “compare,” “features,” or “benefits.” For instance, “Adobe Creative Suite 12 features and benefits.”

Writing content that’s interesting, helpful, and meets the needs of your target audience also helps to establish you as a reliable source.

How to Optimize Content for Search Intent

You must know how to optimize your blog content for search intent if you want your promotion attempts to be successful. Here are the steps you need to follow:
  1. Check search engine results page (SERP) reliability: Google ranking fluctuates over time. Therefore, depending on the current high-ranking pages to determine the searcher’s intent is not a good idea. Instead, use the position history graph on SERP to get an idea of the SERP’s reliability over time.
  2. Check the search results for your target keywords: The best way to determine searcher intent is by looking at the top-ranking pages for your target keywords. Analyze whether these pages match the searcher’s intent.
  3. Identify the searcher’s needs: Once you know what the searcher wants, you need to identify their needs and how your content can help them. This is done by evaluating the searcher’s questions. A good place for this is looking at the frequently asked questions section on Google.
  4. Create content that meets the searcher’s needs: The final step is to create content that meets the searcher’s needs by answering the questions identified in step 3. This ensures your content fulfills the searcher’s needs, addresses the searcher’s pain points, and resolves the searcher’s problems.

2: Leverage the Power of Keyword Research

Keyword research enables you to target phrases or words used by your target audience when searching for information on search engines. The benefit of this to your content promotion strategy is that you’ll optimize your content for those keywords, making it easier to be found by the target audience.

When doing keyword research, it’s essential to take note of the following:

  • The search volume: This is the number of times a keyword is searched monthly. The higher the volume, the more popular the keyword is.
  • The difficulty level: This is a measure of how hard it’s to rank for the keyword. The higher the difficulty, the more competitive the keyword is.
  • The domain authority of websites that rank for that keyword: This is a measure of the quality of websites that rank for a keyword. The higher the domain authority, the more difficult it’s to outrank that website.

When looking at these three factors, you want to target keywords that have a high search volume and low difficulty level. These are keywords you can rank for easily and get your content in front of your target audience.

Ahrefs, Semrush, and Ubersuggest are some excellent keyword research tools used by many bloggers.

Expert Tip: If you have challenges in your content ideation strategy, use the CopySmiths’ copy count feature. This is a tool that’ll give you the number of words to aim for, tables, and quotations to include in your article.

3: Take the Content Where Your Audience Is

Not all social media platforms are effective for all types of content. For example, if you have a video, YouTube would be the best platform to share it. If you have an infographic, Pinterest is the ideal social media platform.

The same principle applies when promoting blog content. You want to take your content where your audience is instead of expecting them to find you. 

To promote your new blog content successfully, you’ll need to choose a social media platform that is suitable for your brand. You can do this by asking yourself questions like:

  • Who is my target audience?
  • What social media platforms do they use?
  • What type of content do they consume on those social media platforms?

Once you have these answers, it’s time to figure out how to promote your content on the identified social media platform. The best way is by creating a public page for your blog and adding social media sharing buttons to your content. Additionally, share content on your page regularly to keep your audience engaged.

Social media platforms are excellent for content promotion due to their high traffic. The table below shows the most popular social media platforms and their daily traffic:

PlatformDaily Active Users
Facebook1.93 billion
Instagram500 million
Twitter206 million
LinkedIn 10 Million

4: Take and Implement Feedback From Your Audience

The best way to determine the effectiveness of your content promotion strategy is by taking your audience’s feedback (comments, shares, and likes) and implementing it into future content.

So, how can you implement the feedback? For instance, if you notice a lot of people are commenting positively on a specific aspect of your content, create more content around that topic. This will help keep them engaged and increase the chances that they’ll convert into customers.

Check for comments that include questions. Questions help you learn what your audience wants. Then create content that addresses the queries. This increases the engagement rate and is a good indicator of successful content promotion.

When taking feedback from your audience, keep the following in mind:

  • The number of comments: The more comments you have, the more engaged your audience is.
  • The quality of comments: You want to make sure that the comments are constructive and add value to the discussion.

Outsource Your Blog Content Generation to CopySmiths

At CopySmiths, we have vast experience in content generation across multiple industries. Even better, with us, you don’t have to worry about content ideation, writing, or publishing. 

Outsource your blog content generation to us and see your blog grow in traffic. Here is our pricing.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can you promote blog posts through email?

Yes, you can promote blog posts through email by sending an email blast to subscribers or by including a link to the post in your weekly or monthly newsletter.

How can I get more people to see my blog content?

You can get more people to see your blog content by sharing it on social media platforms, including Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. You can also submit your content to popular blogs and websites in your industry through guest posting.

What's the best way to measure the success of my blog post promotion?

The best way to measure the success of your blog post promotion is by tracking how many people view, read, and share your content. You can also track how many people leave comments on your blog post. Additionally, you can measure the number of social media interactions and clicks your blog post receives.

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Katrina McKinnon


I'm Katrina McKinnon, founder of CopySmiths and Small Revolution. In my 20 years of experience, I have helped online businesses create high-performing content specifically on an eCommerce store's blog. Find me on LinkedIn and Twitter.