4 Content Marketing Idea Generators for Easier Work

April 28, 2021

Generating content for a blog can get tough sometimes — especially when you’re running out of ideas.

As a content marketer, it’s natural and expected.

In a world where you need to be on top of your marketing strategy to remain relevant, you need to get creative to ensure you’re always releasing content that matters.

Being a content marketer means you’re essentially the idea generator. It’s your job to come up with great, shareable content that is in line with the services or goods you are marketing.

But how do you generate content that resonates with your audience?

How Do You Generate Content Ideas?

If you’re having a hard time coming up with viable marketing ideas, you’re definitely not alone.

It’s no surprise that 57% of B2B marketers say that being a consistent content idea generator is among their greatest challenges.

A proper content marketing strategy will boost your sales to heights you previously thought impossible. But when you’re the idea generator and you can’t come up with compelling content, the whole process can get pretty cumbersome.

On the bright side, there are some easy fixes you can incorporate to generate new content ideas.

Some of these include:

  • Asking your audience about the type of content they’d like to see
  • Putting yourself in your reader’s perspective
  • Using tools like UberSuggest and Google Trends to generate ideas
  • Borrowing content ideas from your competitors’ blogs

These solutions will save you money, time, and the effort you dedicate to generating ideas as a blogger.

Today, you’ll find out more about four content idea generator tools you can use to easily create different content types.

The Different Types of Content

If you want to establish a positive relationship with your readers, your content marketing efforts must include various content forms they can interact with.

These different content types all have specific characteristics that make them unique; using just one limits your blog’s marketing strategy capabilities.

Before delving into the best content idea generator tools, take a look at the various forms of content and how you stand to benefit from each.


List articles are quite popular and provide a great way to pack important information in a form that is easy to digest. They are simple to read, visually appealing, and — ideally, interesting and very shareworthy.

This type of content is easy to create but doesn’t differ wildly from blog posts. A listicle still features an introduction, subheadings, and a conclusion.

The secret to a great listicle is coming up with a catchy title while avoiding clickbait.

Blog Posts

Blog posts are a great starting point for your content strategy. Blogging uses various SEO approaches to create optimized material for Google to increase organic traffic to your website.

More traffic means a higher number of consumers get to know about your products or services.

A great way to improve your rankings is by inserting keywords into your blog title. Your search volume automatically goes up when you use any recommended keyword in your title.

Your main goal with any blog post is to show prospects that your brand is an industry leader that offers solutions to their needs. It should have elements that are engaging to your consumers, like interactive tools and relevant images.


Videos are a huge part of digital marketing and your overall content strategy. They account for more than 80% of all web traffic on the internet, and more than 96% of users find them helpful.

This is especially the case for product and how-to videos, as you can click the refresh button and re-watch it if you didn’t catch something.

The subject of your videos should engage your audience, increasing comments, shares, and ultimately, conversions.


As the name suggests, eBooks are electronic books. They’re a type of long-form content often found in HTML formats or PDF downloads. Ebooks are mostly geared toward prospects that are further up the marketing funnel — but can also serve potential customers by providing detailed information about your product or service.

eBooks increase the content diversity on your site and offer similar perks to other content forms like lead generation and authority establishment.

What Are the Best Tools to Use for Idea Generation?

CopyCount.co for Article Ideas, Keywords & Average Word Count

CopyCount.co generates 100s of listicle, how-to and pillar post ideas based on your chosen keyword. The tool is easy to use and returns the best results within a few seconds.

The generated ideas allow you to scan for ideas. Find the ideas that resonate well with you and your audience, and start writing your blog articles.

The tool, created by CopySmiths.com, also has a word count analyser. You will learn how many words you should write in your article in order to fully cover the topic.

This is a key difference and advantage from the other tools listed below. No other tool will provide a word count comparison.

CopyCount also lists the varying SEO elements contained in each article. For example: How many articles contain images, and what is the average image count? How many contains lists, tables, quotations and more? Including these formatting and layout components in your blog article is the difference between great or meh content.

CopyCount is free to use. Try it now.

HubSpot’s Blog Topic Generator

If you’re searching for a faster way to generate ideas, HubSpot’s Blog Topic Generator has you covered. Using this idea generator is easy. Simply key in 1-5 terms in the search bar and the generator will do the rest.

HubSpot will come up with enough blog titles to give you relevant content for a whole year.

The best part is, it accomplishes all of this in a matter of seconds.

If the blog titles don’t fit your needs, you can have another go at the generator or simply adjust your search terms until you are satisfied with the outcome.

HubSpot’s Blog Topic Generator is a free tool that will provide you with much-needed guidance when you’re out of ideas to write about.

BuzzSumo Content Idea Generator

This in-depth, analytic tool is a news aggregator of sorts. It will give you valuable data on the topics of interest to your target audience.

BuzzSumo’s main purpose is to enlighten you on how various content is performing online. You have the option of using it for free or with a subscription.

The tool gives you an idea of the type of content you should produce. Some of the data it provides on articles online is:

  • The backlinks used
  • Trending content that is relevant to your search
  • The level of engagement on social media platforms
  • Influencers or individuals with similar content

When you apply certain filters in BuzzSumo, you can also see content that is popular by:

  • Language
  • Country
  • Content type

Taking a look at the data available through BuzzSumo will help you understand the type of content that will reach a larger audience.

With the information you get, you can create content that is far-reaching on trending topics.

UberSuggest Content Marketing Ideas Generator

UberSuggest is a commonly used tool in the Search Marketing sphere. It has several functions, including topic generation and analytics.

This online tool helps you generate ideas by offering various statistical overviews for any keyword you enter. It also shows the type of content you can curate to get additional organic traffic to your site.

The analytical functions it offers include:

  • Cost per click
  • SEO difficulty
  • Social shares
  • Estimated visits to your site
  • Domain score

The statistical overview for the search terms will help you understand the keywords that work and use them to optimize your marketing strategy.

Google Trends

Google Trends shows you the frequency a keyword’s use over time. This tool is applicable when you want to conduct comprehensive keyword research and identify trends.

As a content marketer, Google Trends will help you generate ideas for your content by giving you access to important keywords, search queries, and related blog topics that are trending.

Elevate Your Content

A great content marketing strategy is all you need for your prospects to reach out. Content marketing has essentially taken over from the more conventional forms of advertising.

With more and more people accessing the internet, it’s no surprise that the preferred method of reaching new clients is online material. Don’t miss the opportunity to leverage your online content for optimal returns.

Any topic that is related to the services and products one offers is a great brand awareness step.

More than often, they educate the customers and drive-up purchasing actions.

So if you feel you’re not up to the task and can’t come up with great ideas for your content, take the right step and outsource to CopySmiths.

We get your content back on track.

Katrina McKinnon


I'm Katrina McKinnon, founder of CopySmiths and Small Revolution. In my 20 years of experience, I have helped online businesses create high-performing content specifically on an eCommerce store's blog. Find me on LinkedIn and Twitter.