3 Terrific Travel Blogs Your Site Should Learn From

May 9, 2022

Have you ever visited a blog and had the page design and colorful images impress you?

Not only that, but you began reading their blog posts and couldn’t get enough of them. They had interesting articles with a well-formatted layout.

Your blog has the potential to provide an unforgettable experience for your visitors and convert them into paying customers.

Travel blogs are fantastic resources for learning about the characteristics of a magnificent website. The most well-known travel blogs have a winning combination of:

  • Excellent writing
  • Stunning photography 
  • Practical advice 
  • Exceptional web design 

Without the assistance of experienced content writing agencies, successful travel bloggers know that the above combination is challenging to achieve.

You can get ideas for your blog by studying travel blogs that have implemented effective blogging strategies. Today, we’ll look at three captivating blogs and what makes them unique.

1: Tortuga

Website with blog articles bringing in the most traffic

Source: blog.tortugabackpacks.com

The Tortuga online store is owned by two best friends who designed an exceptional travel backpack great for city and rural travel. Fred and Jeremy are also adventurous travelers, which adds a personal touch to their blog.

Tortuga dedicates three pages to describing their products exhaustively. They educate you on why you need a comfortable and durable bag, then explain why theirs is unmatched.

Explaining your products in separate sections prevents the need to include product descriptions in your articles. Blogs with numerous products mentioned lose traffic because visitors find these articles dull.

Blog article without a salesy product description

Source: blog.tortugabackpacks.com

The Tortuga blog is resourceful and contains tens of articles that are categorized for easier navigation. The following table illustrates the five blog divisions:

Blog SectionArticles’ Purpose
Air travelContains helpful information on airport and plane experiences
Packing listsGives helpful lists on what to pack for different destinations
Packing tipsOffers tips on how to travel light without checking a bag
Travel clothingGives information about great travel clothes
Travel gearEducates on the best travel gear that experts have proven

The simplicity in their blog categorization ensures a page visitor finds what they’re looking for with ease, which favors their Google ranking.

Key Takeaways

  • Personalizing the content creates a relatable experience for your page visitors, causing them to engage more with your content. They’re also likely to convert to customers.
  • Exhaustively explaining your product on a separate page from your blog articles improves your site’s traffic.
  • If you have tens or hundreds of blog articles, enhance the user experience by categorizing them into sections and dedicating a page to each.

2: Topo Designs

Hundreds of images on the Topo Design blog

Source: topodesigns.com

Topo Designs is an eCommerce store that sells clothing and accessories. They’ve carved out a niche in the travel industry and use their blog to give ideas and tips on travel and outdoor adventure.

If there’s a website with endless photos to scroll through, it’s Topo Designs. Their blog page, called In the Wild, has hundreds of fascinating images linked to their blog articles.

When you click on the article, you’re met with a well-formatted layout containing more images after every two to three paragraphs. The photos are of high quality, and they integrate the three elements of good photography:

  • Proper use of light
  • Superb exposure
  • Great focusing distance

Topo Designs stands out from other travel blogs by including a music playlist. They intend for you to listen to it while on the road. Each playlist is contained within a blog with a story behind it.

Playlist within a blog article

Source: topodesigns.com

Topo Designs’ website design enables page visitors to find their way to the blog articles even though they have hundreds of products. The sub-sections in each menu enhance user experience as they can navigate to a specific product or go straight to the blog.

Nicely laid out sub-sections for ease of navigation

Source: topodesigns.com

Key Takeaways

  • Use more images to engage your page visitors. According to Semrush 2021 statistics, bloggers who added ten-plus images in long-form articles experienced more substantial user results.
  • Write engaging blog articles to compliment your images. Include your products in an article as a solution to a problem without coming off as pushing for sales.
  • Look for a unique feature you can add to your blog that’ll set you apart from other blogs in your niche.

3: The Adventure Challenge

Simple blog design with unique colors

Source: theadventurechallenge.com

The Adventure Challenge is a series of scratch books created by Byrant and Ben. Each book contains 50 adventures that you have to complete with your partner, family, or friends. The adventures are meant to help you:

  • Explore nature
  • Deepen your relationships
  • Disconnect from your gadgets
  • Make unforgettable memories
  • Have fun

The Adventure Challenge books are different from other activity books because you don’t know the next challenge until you scratch it. The books also allow you to write about your adventure and stick-in photos from their camera with Instax Mini-Films.

Enjoy this example of a couple’s featured adventure challenge:

The Adventure Challenge blog has lots of listicle articles that give their page visitors ideas of places to travel and fun activities. They also build trust by featuring customer stories, videos, and photos.

Listicle article for more user engagement

Source: theadventurechallenge.com

The blog’s design is simple but appealing. The Adventure Challenge uses its brand colors throughout their blog, bringing out a cohesive appearance.

Key Takeaways

  • Let your satisfied customers tell their stories throughout your blog. Use their photos, videos, and customer review comments to add value to your new readers.
  • Choose your brand colors wisely and use them on all your website’s pages. According to CogniFit, some colors have the power to improve our attention and memory, while others influence the decisions we make.
  • Use more listicles on your blog. They receive more traffic, give your readers variety, and increase the likelihood of a repeat visit.

Vital Must-Have Elements for an Attractive eCommerce Blog

The success of an attractive eCommerce blog involves the use of marketing and content strategy that helps to drive traffic. The online eCommerce stores that perform well don’t compromise on their prices or offer significantly different products from those that don’t do well.

Successful eCommerce stores focus on their greatest asset, the customer. They ensure the content they put online either catches the readers attention or offers a solution to their problems.

These successful blogs also satisfy their customers by anticipating their needs and addressing them in the website’s layout, articles, and images. To succeed as these eCommerce stores, ensure you apply the following elements:

Your Blog Should

  • Have an appealing design: A great design attracts visitors and keeps them on your page. It also leaves your reader with a powerful impression of your product brand. Keep your design simple but attractive with clear fonts, eye-friendly colors, and proper use of white space.
  • Address your visitors’ needs: Your blog’s content should exhaustively give readers what they’re looking for. Ensure you educate them, share important news, or entertain them. Think like a prospective page visitor as you develop the content.
  • Include a customer-friendly call to action: If your visitors don’t know where to click or where to go next, you’ll lose them within seconds. Examples of clear CTAs are: ”See more products,” “Proceed to check out,” “Shop now,” or “Read more.”
  • Use a professional content writing agency: Outsourcing to a competent writing agency increases your chances of gaining more traffic. Content agencies apply all the guidelines to produce high-quality and engaging content, as illustrated in the video below:

Your Blog Should not

Incorporating these elements is an arduous task for a busy online store. Successful eCommerce stores wisely choose to outsource their blogging needs to an experienced content writing agency. This move significantly changes their Google ranking and improves their blog’s traffic.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Does Blogging Improve Your Website’s Traffic?

Blogging brings more traffic to your website when you include articles that help your page visitors with their challenges. Other users like to be entertained or to learn something new. As they read your articles, you can direct them to other pages by adding links.

Do Travel Websites Need to Write Blog Articles?

Yes, all websites need to include blogs to increase their page visits. Travel blogs are likely to get more visitors because of the adventurous stories people love to read.

How can Content Writing Agencies Transform my Blog?

Professional content writing agencies can transform your blog by:

  • Employing creative writers and experienced web designers to work on your content
  • Using attractive publishing layouts
  • Applying efficient online marketing skills
Katrina McKinnon


I'm Katrina McKinnon, founder of CopySmiths and Small Revolution. In my 20 years of experience, I have helped online businesses create high-performing content specifically on an eCommerce store's blog. Find me on LinkedIn and Twitter.