Engaging Customers with Fun Drunk Auntie Content

September 30, 2022

Katrina and Will explore how you can get visitors to engage with your website using Fun Drunk Auntie Content. They further segue into discussing how to find, hire, and manage good copywriters.

Key Takeaway: Effective copywriting, combined with strategic content creation and management, can significantly boost website engagement and brand resonance.

Utilizing diverse formats, hiring the right talent, and employing current tools are pivotal in the digital landscape.

customers with fun drunk auntie content

In the realm of digital content, how do you engage users effectively and consistently?

In this episode, Katrina McKinnon and Will Laurenson delved into the art and science of impactful copywriting.

Key Insights from the Podcast:

1. Marrying Text and Imagery

Engaging visitors requires more than just compelling text.

Katrina McKinnon, founder of Copysmiths, underscored the potency of pairing evocative images with well-crafted words.

An exemplary strategy she shared was a series of 101 photos of dogs relishing puppuccinos, emphasizing the magnetic pull of visuals complemented by engaging text and prompts like “click here.”

2. Efficient Content Creation

Crafting engaging content consistently demands a blend of inspiration and efficiency.

Templates emerge as a boon, streamlining repetitive tasks. 

The challenge lies in customizing these frameworks to echo the brand’s unique voice.

3. Quality Control in Content

Beyond creation lies the pivotal step of quality assurance.

The podcast highlighted the significance of writer assessments and a rigorous quality checklist.

Tools like Grammarly and Hemingway assist writers in enhancing readability and refining content for clarity.

4. Productivity Tools and Team Management

In the age of deadlines, tools that boost productivity are invaluable.

Katrina favors the “Remarkable” tablet for structured notetaking and organization.

When managing teams, especially freelancers, tools like Basecamp facilitate clear communication and streamlined workflows.

In Conclusion

As the podcast elucidated, engaging digital content is not just about words but a confluence of visuals, strategy, and management.

It’s about the synergy of art and science, where each word, image, and strategy coalesce to engage, captivate, and ultimately drive growth.

Whether you’re a content aficionado or a business aiming to enhance your digital presence, these distilled insights can guide your next content strategy.

Katrina McKinnon


I'm Katrina McKinnon, founder of CopySmiths and Small Revolution. In my 20 years of experience, I have helped online businesses create high-performing content specifically on an eCommerce store's blog. Find me on LinkedIn and Twitter.