3 Tips to Create the Most Captivating Facebook CTAs

October 12, 2020

While scrolling through your Facebook timeline, there’s no doubt one or two posts catch your eye while others are totally unremarkable.

What’s happening here? And why should you care?

For one, social media has a great influence on business performance. So, using compelling Facebook posts benefits your brand’s influence and performance.

First, let’s get this straight: Facebook is an underutilized gold mine with an average of 2.45 billion users.

With a large pool of potential clients, you’d be crazy not to try to draw them towards your business. This is where your call to action comes into the picture, i.e., your CTA.

A CTA is a statement attached to a post that triggers an instant response from readers. Its power is remarkable and can increase your Facebook click rates by up to 40%.

It plays a key role in improving your marketing strategy. With the power to:

  • Attract customers
  • Boost sales
  • Promote your brand
  • Increase social media interactions

Crafting a Facebook post with a strong CTA can increase your business sales rates without much effort!

Not sure where to start? To make your journey easier, we’ve gathered all you need to know about crafting an outstanding CTA.

1: Captivate With Your Headline

Your headlines are a major action pillar that should appeal to your audience. They link the content of your Facebook post to the CTA that delivers your conversions.

Studies show that 73% of Facebook users earn high incomes. To attract their undivided attention, your headlines must stand out from the crowd.

This is why you need to master the art of headlining using these key pointers:

a) Use between 25 to 45 characters

Let’s face it, few people read entire news articles. They skim through the headlines to get a gist of what the posts are about. This is the same with Facebook ads and posts.

Make your headline interesting and capture the readers’ attention. Your headline should be an adequate representation of what your post is about. Remember, there’s also a post description, which summarizes your post to the reader.

Include keywords in your headline to make it more relevant. Conduct market research and analysis to understand who needs your products and why.

Once you know your audience it is easier to craft your headlines.

b) Include emotive words in your headlines

Appealing to emotions boosts engagement levels and elicits strong reactions from readers.

Facebook Ad expert, Johnathan Dane, says:

“Ad fatigue rates are much higher, which means that you need to keep the creativity up.”

Consider telling quirky stories to add enthusiasm to your Facebook posts. This is the best way to make your content memorable and compels readers to click on your CTAs right away!

Your posts will stand out from ordinary and “fluff” content.

One of the most common pieces of advice is to use so-called “power words” in CTAs to increase effectiveness

Image source yuqo.com

c) Learn to use different headline formulas

Using different headline formats pulls Facebook users to your posts even more. Most use Facebook every day and see the same headings over and over.

Click-worthy headlines are creative and make the reader think, “Hey, I need to read more about this!”

Combine the use of a noun, an action and a positive result for a more provocative headline. For example:

“Managers Confess the Tactics That Contribute to Their Success.”

2: Use Imagery to Break the Monotony

Anyone on Facebook can read your posts. Yet, it takes high-quality visual content to drive readers straight to your page.

Facebook is a platform with a lot of visual content, that’s why you need to include images to break through monotonous text.

Facebook video ad examples — mobile video statistics

Image source Soft Cube

Pictures entertain your audience while they read, allowing them to arrive at your CTA. By adding images, GIFs and videos you make your posts far more attractive.

To make the best use of your visual content consider these tips:

a) Use unorthodox visual content

Unique videos and images catch the eye and make the reader stop scrolling. That’s an action!

Make them wonder if there’s a deeper meaning to the picture. Then, they can click on your post to find out more.

b) Upload bright images

Ensure you brighten your images and background quality before uploading your post. This attracts 40% more attention and helps readers process your message faster.

Facebook posts with images get higher reader engagement rates. Thus, great image quality works to your advantage and boosts your results.

c) Ensure the image conveys meaning

The best images get the point across faster to your audience without having to use as many words. Let infographics, charts, and tables do the talking for you.

3: Make Use of Active Words

The goal of a CTA is to get your audience to take a specific action, like purchasing a product or service. Different CTA buttons work for different posts.

They use active words that give the readers an extra push towards your page or website.

Playing around with different CTAs lets you see which ones produce better results. To know which ones work best for your brand posts, use the A/B testing method.

Facebook has your back and these CTA buttons come pre-set on your page. You can choose to add more buttons or customize them to fit your needs.

Use the CTA buttons to appeal to your reader’s needs:

  • Book now!
  • Contact us!
  • Download!
  • Buy today!
Facebook Call to Action Button

Image source landerapp.com

Learn How to Create Top-Notch Social Media Content

The world of e-commerce blogging and marketing today is constantly changing. Every business has a social media page that they rely on to draw in customers.

Crafting a killer CTA is only the beginning of becoming an expert content creator.

What’s the best way forward for you? You’ve got to hone your skills and an online marketing course can get you started.

Get quality knowledge and confidence in your e-commerce blogging skills.

In addition, you can read expert guides to digital marketing. Self-driven education will help boost the quality of your online content and put you ahead in the game.

“You can’t wait for customers to come to you. You have to figure out where they are, go there and drag them back to your store.”

— Paul Graham, Y COMBINATOR

Gear up to set your brand on the path to success. Try these tips, and start converting today!

Katrina McKinnon


I'm Katrina McKinnon, founder of CopySmiths and Small Revolution. In my 20 years of experience, I have helped online businesses create high-performing content specifically on an eCommerce store's blog. Find me on LinkedIn and Twitter.