Content Marketing Stats That Prove It’s Worth Investing in Today

May 3, 2021

2021 has brought a permanent shift in the digital marketing landscape. Content marketing trends indicate that more and more people are turning online to find answers.

Within last year alone, over 61% of internet users in the USA made a purchase decision after reading about the product from a blog.

You must be wondering, “How can I improve my content marketing strategy?”

Take heart.

As you keep reading, you will be exposed to content marketing and its advantages. You will also be presented with crucial content marketing statistics to help explain current industry trends and how making a winning investment in this direction will help you make the leap you need.

But first, you may be asking yourself…

Why Should I Use Content Marketing?

Every second, users are asking questions related to the product/service that your company offers.

They want to see solutions to their problems.

Your content marketing efforts should be directed towards appearing first on search engine result pages (SERPs). The types of content you adopt should be consistent and of high quality.

Aim at embracing education. Content marketing channels such as email campaigns, blogs, and videos (visual content) come in handy at engaging clients.

Content success depends on the following factors:

  • Authority. Once your business establishes itself as a hotspot for getting quality information, users will visit more often when they have questions along the lines of what you offer.
  • Trust. Engaging with clients without demanding something in return makes you sound trustworthy. As you provide more quality content, clients develop a positive association with your brand.
  • Increased traction on social media. By creating content that trends, you will have word spread on various social channels. Many marketers use these potential leads to social outlets to increase their client base.
  • Improved conversions. Once clients have read from you, they start to connect. They have a high likelihood of buying if the information you provide helps them make an educated decision before purchasing.

That said, let’s talk a bit more about users and their behavior.

86% of Adults Get Their Content and Information Digitally: And the Stats Are Going Up

Content marketing statistics show that eight in ten adults prefer getting their news from digital devices. 52% of these prefer a digital platform.

Of these, news websites scoop 26% of users as the most preferred platform.

It can be seen that users are continually searching for digital content from blogs, probably because the content there offers more depth than, say, social media posts.

As a B2B marketer, consider investing in a blog that provides interactive content that is relevant and long-lived.

By using the right keywords in your blog posts, embracing long-form content, and sharing widely, you have the likelihood of appearing on the first page on search engines.

This creates more visibility and provides the content users want to see.

At the same time, a video marketing strategy could go a long way — video marketers have discovered that branded video content engages users more and increases action by 27%.

Content Marketing Stats Reveal It Has Greater ROI Compared to Paid Search

The internet is awash with banners sponsored by paid search. You’ve seen these on billboards, T.V., Radio, and internet banners.

This traditional marketing approach seems to irritate many consumers who are tired of ad overload. Consequently, 27% of internet users in the U.S. alone have installed ad blockers on their devices.

Paid search is known to yield quick marketing results. However, you must continually inject money to continue getting those results. And the investment ends when the ad expires.

On the other hand, content marketing tends to build a long-lasting engagement with the client. By providing a content strategy that solves a client’s needs, you show empathy without thrust.

It has been proven that adopting this method generates 300% more traffic compared to paid search. Besides, content marketing costs 62% less for every dollar spent.

Businesses That Blog Generate 67% More Leads Than Those That Don't

A blog will help you organize the business information that you will share with clients. Succinct blog content makes you stand a chance of increasing organic traffic by up to 67%.

B2B companies that blog generate

Just remember that we live in a world of digital negativity — black hat SEO, toxic backlinks, and hackers. You may want to know how these will affect your online business and what you need to do to stay safe.

It’s also important for your blog content creation to shine from the very beginning.

One surefire way is the use of SEO visibility. Here, you’ll be using targeted keywords to provide greater exposure on search engine pages.

You may be asking what this entirely means. Well, let’s focus on a few actionable steps to clarify the concept:

  • Target long-tail keywords. Keywords are competitive — for example, you can never rank on the first page of search engines with the keyword “computers.” You could do better with something like “Dell computers in Arkansas.” Be specific.
  • Re-evaluate your title and description tags. By creating more compelling titles and descriptions, visitors will be invited to click and engage. Search engines take Click-Through Rates (CTRs) seriously and rank you better for higher numbers.
  • Get backlinks from quality sites. Consider websites from your niche to achieve this. If you are in the pet industry, check out other pet websites.
  • Increase the use of internal links. Do an evaluation of your website pages, and then use organic traffic to rank them. You will quickly boost lower-ranking pages by linking them to those that convert more.

Embrace the Power of Email Marketing

Many businesses today rely on email as a content marketing method of attracting and keeping new customers.

Question: How will email influence your business?

Email is considered affordable — statistics prove that you stand to earn about $42 for every $1 spent. Secondly, many consumers prefer email as a way to receive promotional messages.

Consider including an email subscription form to encourage users to subscribe and receive updates from you, after they read your content. You could optionally provide free incentives such as white papers, discounts, and free PDFs to increase engagement further.

Craft an approach that will continuously feed your audience with relevant information. Powerful headlines, great design, and a mobile-optimized approach are some ways to make your messages shine and convert.

Email marketing statistics show that this is a delicate marketing tactic that needs to be done well. You have the chance to create captivating content that tells your story, and helps you build a loyal client base. Done correctly, customers will purchase from you.

Content Creation Is the Most Outsourced Content Marketing Activity

Quality content takes time to produce. Consequently, 84% of B2B companies opt to outsource their content development needs.

Of these, half of all organizations outsource their content marketing activities — large organizations taking the upper hand, at approximately 71% of content creation spending.

Of all the content types, written content is the most often outsourced — a trend that is on the rise with each passing year.

You Can Profit From Outsourcing Your Content Marketing

Outsourcing exposes your brand to experts that can craft clean and robust content. They will conduct relevant research and connect your idea to the compelling content you seek. 

Benefits include:

Better Content Performance

Content agencies write for search engine optimization (SEO). They use relevant tools to incorporate the right keywords, meta descriptions, headings, and subheadings.

Get Content Served Faster

It would be better if you had a faster turn-around time to unleash more regular content. Content agencies only hire pro writers, with the end-product going through several levels of polishing. They ensure that you only get pure gold.

You Save on Budget

Creating high-quality, cost-effective content is the focus of an outsourced team. Content agencies come with a predictable pricing pattern. 

Of course, this depends on the assignment at hand.

Take Advantage of Experts

Agency B2B content marketers are aware of trends in your industry and will come in with varied viewpoints when you’re stuck for topics.

You Need a Reliable Agency for Your Content Needs

By adopting a correct marketing strategy, you will get the most out of your investment. The stats show it all. And remember — you’re not alone.

Your content will need a professional twist to meet the results you want, get you ahead of the competition, and increase organic traffic.

By outsourcing to a competent content agency, you will get things done on time and on budget. 

Katrina McKinnon


I'm Katrina McKinnon, founder of CopySmiths and Small Revolution. In my 20 years of experience, I have helped online businesses create high-performing content specifically on an eCommerce store's blog. Find me on LinkedIn and Twitter.